Sunday, 27 September 2015


(pronounce of Clumsy at the beginning with center of stupid and end with ''Oh''.)

Here's my new comic relief that i wanted to make, his name is Clumpido. A man who got a lot of trouble for his clumsiness and silly attitude.

Name: Brando ''Clumpido'' Clundsy
Age: 31
Like: want to be friendly, playing, watching movies and TV shows and eating foods.
Dislikes: accidents, being bullied, beings insulted and punishments.

I wanted to make a Bio, but i felt that i ran out of my idea. So for my short Bio is that he was born in Italy who loves to eat some Italian foods as a kid. But when grew up, ever since he loves eating, but he's now a person who get a lot of accidents of clumsiness and even being humiliated by the bullies or some other people. I know its short, but il apologies for my description.

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