Sunday, 28 August 2016

Corporate Driver and Secretary Driver

Name Corporate Driver
Age: Unknown
Birth: Unknown
Likes: Moneys, taking over the company and horrible stuff, Donald Trump, Lewis Hamilton and bashing over the people
Dislikes: Anthony, poor people, good stuff criticisms

He's known to be egotistic, arrogant, manchild and always uncontrol to shut up to have a beef on Anthony (aka me)

When's 5, he loves doing a math with money and watching a bank robbery films. But 20 years later after a college, he won a million dollars to build his appartement in New York. He spends a times call every company to change something good to bad things for his money. He also love racing, he signed a contract to have a racing career, he became friend with Lewis Hamilton. The reason why he loves the 2 times champion, its because of Hamilton's hater who's none other than Anthony (me). He's targeting at him for a rivalry.

However, many people considered him as "The worst richest person in the world" or a "Mary Sue", but he hates his "insulting nicknames", so much so he call police to send anyone in jail for that. So everyone should watch their mouth from him.

Name: Secretary Driver
Age: About 29
Birth: Unknown (Somewhere in 1987)
Likes: Moneys, taking over the companies, Lewis Hamilton, Donald Trump and bashing over the people
Dislikes Anthony, poor people, good stuff and criticisms

She remains unknown about her backstory. but she learned to do martial-arts and she even have a respect to him to make him better than anyone.

She's has a slightly similar personality of Corporate Driver, but she's serious and always make a backup on him. Not too arrogant and egotistic of herself, she always idolizing him.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Angela and Emily

Here's my new OC, with a hybrid human/robot and her A.I.

Name: Angela Drecken
Age: Unknown (maybe like 19)
Like: Killing, stealth, working alone, her lightsaber, her A.I. and her lost father
Dislike: Malfunction of herself, being manipulated too much, being insulted (which resulting her rage attack), human foods (because she needs energy for her life) and bugs.

Born in Boston, Massachusetts, she started as a shy young girl, mainly because that she had a mental disorder, mainly because she's not very good to be a nice girl, which she's ending up being bullied. As a result, her parents had no choice but to move the other kindergarten to be safe and quiet for her. When she grew to 6, she was bringing to a therapy since she had a mental problem she told about her past with not only being bullied, but also had a complicated feeling to be friendly, since she's also had a depression. Though a therapist cheered up her by giving her a squeezing ball to calm down to get a better attitude to moving on, she accepted to a therapist. Several years later when she was a teenager of 13, she started to get better, without depression, but she's still have a mental problem, just a bit. But 3 years later, things is going back to the worse that she's being bullied by a gang with boys that they attacked her, this result her rage to fight back even attempt to kill one member of the gang. But because of her attempt, she was exposed by a teacher during a break that she was taken to a principal that because her death threat, she was suspended for 1 week, making her going back in depression that she was attempt to killing herself, but she was defended by her parents by saying "suicide is illegal". She was traumatized what she did for her suspension. But then when she took a walk outside, she met a girl name Emily who's a nice friend of her to cheering up. Since she gives her advice of personality, they became friends, but int turns out Emily was in the same school as Angela.

When she grew to 19, she and Emily are take a walk in the park and had a good time. But then, the same gang that they bullied Angela took a horrifying idea, putted a mine (When they secretly stole from one of boy's home that has a weapons room from his father, since he's a soldier) somewhere on park to pretending its a firework. Once they activated, it exploded to causing them a horrifying injuries. When they're took them to the hospital, it went to a quick bad news that Emily died from the explosion, except for Angela, that she was nearly survived, but lost her right arm and left leg. Rather than doing a surgery for her life, doctors choose to made her into a half-human/half-robot and it takes a 5 months. Once she was came back from a disaster, she was asking about Emily, but doctor told her that its too late. But scientist came in to cheer up that he can make an Artificial Intelligent based on her friend, but it takes about one in a half week in development of A.I.. Once it was finished, she was emotionally happy (despite she cannot shed a tear since she's a cyborg) to see her again. Once she came back home for her family reunion, they bought a gift for her while waiting, one of her fav gift is a comic books or Wonder Woman and even Star Wars since she loves them. Several days later, while walking to a park, she wishes if she has a lightsaber, but thanks to Emily for her scanning, she witnesses that there's a lightsaber on the ground and the color of her is gray. Even though she wishes to have blue, but she's ok for it, but she also found a laser gun on the same location, which makes her turning into a hero, but she likes to work alone as an anti-heroine, wearing her dark magenta leotard, dark blue high heels, dark blue gloves and dark magenta mask. Despite using her weapons, but she's also doing martial arts.

She's a serious girl with a threat if she gets attacked by someone and a semi-dpression since she had a mental problem. But she may be nice, shy, independent, cute and initiative.

Code name: ECT582-FILE047
Original name: Emily Lawson
Age: 20
Like: Helping, playing, reading, watching, using computers, hang out with Angela and teasing
Dislike: Virus, glitch, being punished, being captured and being a computer slave.

Born in Malden, Massachusetts, she started as a cheerful girl who likes to play with anyone and even hugging at anyone as a friend. She had a nice boy name Gary that they became friends with playing, reading stories or even have a conversation. Several years later when Emily is 7 and Gary is 8, they're moved together in the school, but they separated from different classes, but they'll reunite each other during a break. Sadly when they grew to a teenagers, Gary was moved to the other school on other town in Massachusetts and Emily is also moved, but she's in Boston. She'll be said that she'll never get a boyfriend, but not before she had a new friend name Pauline, who likes to hang out with her and asked her if she looks beautiful with dresses or even bikini, Emily accepted to join in, she tried out and she liked it. When several months later while they walked on the park, she sees a poor girl, that is Angela, she walked to talk to her whats happening, she felt sorry for her because of her mental problem, she gave her a hug told her nicely to never make a death threat nicely to cheer up. As Angela was calmed, she liked to bring her to her friend Pauline for hang out, even though Angela was nervous if she could try to wearing a bikini. 

When she grew to 20, her friend Pauline was moved to other school, but she gave her a phone number and her username for reunite in internet or even phone conversation. However, when she and Angela walked on the park, they got blew up from a landmine, causing Emily get killed from the explosion.  When Angela was repaired that she turned into a half-human/half-robot, she was saddened that she wants Emily back, the scientist accepted that she bring her body, put her on a bed, put a device on Emily's head to create the A.I.. Once she was done, Emily was surprised that she came back as a humanoid computer and reunited with Angela. Right now, she's a helper of Angela to not only control her emotion without any risks, but she can also play as a GPS for directions, a searcher and even a white hat hacker to fix the computer from broken down or even viruses.

Although she's a sweet-heart and playful, but she's also a cheeky girl that she likes to show off and even joking around. As an A.I., she's a smart person to figured out to find something and even alerted if something bad coming. Sometimes she can taking a bit seriously for her control at Angela like telling her to calm down or even stop make a threat.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Tyson Enston

I decided to make an upgrade and change about my character Tyson. Like he's not my fictional brother, which i find it not a great idea in my thoughts, so i had to change almost everything about him.

Name: Tyson Enston
Age: 23
Likes: Speedo, wrestle, muscle, lifting weights, sports and healthy foods.
Dislikes: Junk food, drugs, humiliation, evil creatures and virus.

Born in Calgary, Alberto, Canada. He started as a geeky kid that he loves comics with heroes and video games. However, when he's in school, he's also an average kid who's probably being bullied by the gang called "Black Blade". No matter how many times that Tyson did a good performance in schedule in his class, he was being beaten down by them, mainly because of their ego attitude, its as if they're a sore losers for no respect to him. Which he had no choice but to change other school for being abused. When he grew to 15, he started to draw himself what if he becomes a superhero. So, he decided to going in the gym in the school to be in good shape and training for his fighting skills or wrestling. Which he's going to move on for his new level. Later on when he was 19, he bought some equipment like speedo, boots, gloves and football chest armor. As he was prepared, he heard the news about the criminal gang stole moneys from the bank. Once he was managed to find them in their basement, it reveals its his old nemesis "Black Blade". He was ridiculed by them for his outfit, but not before he fought back at them, especially he picked up one of gang member to broke a wooden table. After he beat the gang, he was impressed that they're arrested that he has a small fans. As right now, he started his heroic career to not only fight the crimes, but also evil creatures. And he gets much stronger and stronger for his strength

He's brave, nice, cocky and a bit serious. But sometimes he gets egotistic for his showoff, but he can respect anyone for his attitude and likes to moving on.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Alex the jungle survivor

Here's another OC with loincloth, but he's rather mix between good and anti-hero.

Name: Alexander "Alex" Arwon
Age: 19
Like: Hunting predators, saving prey animals and kids, working himself, making arrows, exploring and his family (since he's all alone.)
Dislike: Evil hunter (Like Hunter Kyle), losing a preys, the savage killer, embarrassing pranks and suicide

Born somewhere in USA, Alex started as a kid who loves video games, watching movies, shows and sports, collecting his fav toys, hanging out with his friends on internet and even drawing. His fav experience is he had a vacation with his family to amusement part in California and he had a great time in his heart. When he was 16, he was attempt to get a driving license that he wanted to drive himself to school, but he wasn't in 100% complete, he's only in quarter way through.  Sadly, when he was 18, he's travelling to China for his vacation with an aircraft, the engine of the left wing is broken down, causing to losing control that the aircraft will never managed to go in China and crashed to Ocean Indian, which means his vacation will never have a chance. But before it lands on the ocean, he decides to jump off the plane with a parachute and claims that he'll be sacrifice for his fall. When he was jumped off, he was praying to hope he'll never die. But before he used a parachute a bit late that he was lands on the jungle in India. After his own crash, he wakes up that he survived from the fall, he runs around to find where the plane went, but its not very easy that the jungle is like a maze. Which all he has is hear an explosion far away. He's all alone, no parents, no friends, no technology, nothing...  He's lonely in the jungle, which means he's gonna get a new life, as a survivor in the jungle. As one year later, he's wearing his dark blue loincloth, holding a knife that he founded somewhere and making his own arrow bow to hunting some predators who hunts a prey and survive for his health.

He's calm, independent, have a heartwarming on prey animals to save them, nice, and has a sense of humor. But sometimes he gets frustrated if he lost his prey to save them, get irritated from annoying kids that he has to occupied for their own home and even stressed since he lost his family and friends.